Back in September 2020, the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced her initiative to tackle the challenges of the «twin» digital and green transformation. I like and support this motion to cope collectively with some major problems of our world. For now, there’s a lot being said about new building materials or sustainable energies (perhaps also because there are big industries behind these terms). Sure, these are important elements of both the digital and green transition, BUT: most of these things are trying to cope with the symptoms of what mainly is caused by human behaviour. Here’s where I see a big opportunity for culture, design and education to contribute to an idea such as the new European Bauhaus: how do we educate future generations to act an behave in a more planet centred way?

So, if Europe is to lead the way in the “twin“ digital and green transition we should engage in cultural debates as well! (4:05)

