Out now – New Playdecks for Location Based Services

Together with my dear colleagues from IUAV University of Venice we had the final presentation of our PhD theses and all successfully concluded our researches. ‘New Playdecks for Location Based Services’ is a project grounded thesis and proposes a sequence of tools dedicated to the design of Human Centered LBS. Furthermore it explores the memory-alpha.org new concept of ‘Handlungsspielraum’. Handlungsspielraum (German: Handlung = action, Spiel = play/game, Raum = space) explores the rather ‘unexpected’ and playful interactions between the user and the artifact. The concept tries to outline what drives people to interact or interpret actions in their own way and how much this interaction can be triggered or configured by creating a certain framework of rules and constraints by leaving enough freedom of interpretation at the same time.

download Abstract and Table of Contents (PDF)

Categoriesprojects research